Bar Lab

Closed-door innovation testing with hidden cameras

Bar Lab provides innovation teams with early-stage feedback on new concepts in the innovation pipeline. The approach congregates screened early adopters and influencers to closed-door On-Premise events to experience and taste the concepts in real-world environments, bringing with them their friends and colleagues.
Most importantly, as groups of friends discuss each new product as they are served to them, every conversation is recorded using state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment, gathering people’s genuine reactions and opinions. Albeit all participants are aware of the set-up, all cameras are hidden to make the environment feel as real as possible. During the events, trained moderators walk the rooms, mingling with guests to tease out reactions to all key elements.
Ideal for:
• Identifying winning concepts
• Testing late-stage innovations
• Engaging influencer groups pre-launch
• Gathering filmed footage for sales teams
Bar Lab provides innovation teams with early-stage feedback on new concepts in the innovation pipeline. The approach congregates screened early adopters and influencers to closed-door On-Premise events to experience and taste the concepts in real-world environments, bringing with them their friends and colleagues.
Most importantly, as groups of friends discuss each new product as they are served to them, every conversation is recorded using state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment, gathering people’s genuine reactions and opinions. Albeit all participants are aware of the set-up, all cameras are hidden to make the environment feel as real as possible. During the events, trained moderators walk the rooms, mingling with guests to tease out reactions to all key elements.
Ideal for:
• Identifying winning concepts
• Testing late-stage innovations
• Engaging influencer groups pre-launch
• Gathering filmed footage for sales teams
Bar Lab provides innovation teams with early-stage feedback on new concepts in the innovation pipeline. The approach congregates screened early adopters and influencers to closed-door On-Premise events to experience and taste the concepts in real-world environments, bringing with them their friends and colleagues.
Most importantly, as groups of friends discuss each new product as they are served to them, every conversation is recorded using state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment, gathering people’s genuine reactions and opinions. Albeit all participants are aware of the set-up, all cameras are hidden to make the environment feel as real as possible. During the events, trained moderators walk the rooms, mingling with guests to tease out reactions to all key elements.
Ideal for:
Identifying winning concepts
Testing late-stage innovations
Engaging influencer groups pre-launch
Gathering filmed footage for sales teams

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Nick Dudley-Williams, Managing Partner

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